18.02.2021 – Hei kjære alle medlemmer av Aksjeanalyser.com,

Aksjeanalyser.com har i dag sett nærmere igjen på en av sine favorittaksjer på Oslo Børs, Idex Biometrics ASA (ticker på Oslo Børs: IDEX).

Aksjen viser et samlet svært positivt teknisk bilde, og Aksjeanalyser.com tror et etablert brudd over et viktig teknisk motstandsnivå rundt NOK 3.00 – 3.20 nå gjerne er veldig nært forestående.

Et etablert brudd over NOK 3.00 – 3.20 nivået vil utløse et nytt kraftig teknisk kjøpssignal for Idex-aksjen, og Aksjeanalyser.com ser da et potensiale for aksjen opp mot NOK 5.00 – 6.00 gjerne i løpet av bare de neste 3-6 måneder, og opp mot NOK 8.00 på 6-12 måneders sikt.

Videre så tror Aksjeanalyser.com en notering av Idex på Nasdaq børsen nå kan være veldig nært forestående (kanskje om noen uker) og en av grunnene til dette er for notering på Nasdaq børsen så er det visse krav til cashbeholdning og egenkapital i selskaper som noteres på Nasdaq og dette har Idex til fulle nå klart med den seneste emisjonen gjennomført i selskapet hvor selskapet ble tilført cirka 230 millioner kroner.

Ellers så var investmentbanken UBS i går 17/02-2021 ute med en svært positiv analyse av konkurrenten Fingerprint Cards AB i Sverige (ticker: FING) og aksjen steg solide 43 prosent nå onsdag 17/02-2021.

Aksjeanalyser.com har grunn til å tro at UBS også ser nærmere på Idex, og ser ikke bort i fra at det om en tid kan komme en positiv analyse av Idex også fra UBS. Dette er naturligvis ikke noe Aksjeanalyser.com kan vite noe sikkert om men UBS skal visstnok se veldig positivt på sektoren og bransjen her nå som både Fingerprint Cards (FING) og Idex Biometrics (IDEX) opererer innenfor.

Så både det fundamentale og det tekniske bildet for Idex Biometrics ASA (IDEX) er svært positivt, og Aksjeanalyser.com har altså en god stund hatt 20 prosent vekting i Idex i modellporteføljen for Norge og har ingen planer om å endre på dette i tiden fremover.

Aksjeanalyser.com ser altså et stort potensiale for Idex-aksjen gjennom 2021 og videre.

Her er for øvrig litt informasjon rundt investmentbanken UBS sin oppdaterte og svært positive analyse i går av Fingerprint Cards (FING):

Fingerprint Cards UBS ser stor smartkortmarknad för Fingerprint Cards (Finwire)

2021-02-17 09:27 Investmentbanken UBS ser en stor marknad för smarta kort för Fingerprint Cards, och höjer aktien till köp från tidigare sälj. Det framgår av en analys.

Efter år av förlorade marknadsandelar och prispress inom mobilt så bedömer man att Fingerprint Cards nu kommer att hitta en ny intäktsdrivare under 2021 med sensorer för betalkort.

UBS har tidigare varit skeptiska kring den framtida användningen av biometriska betalkort, men bevis anses ha uppkommit den senaste tiden på att marknadens intresse ökar.

UBS tror att teknologin kan slå igenom av tre skäl, i form av minskade kortproduktionskostnader, covid-19-effekter samt framgångsrika pilotprojekt och kommersiella lanseringar under 2021.

«Intressant nog var Fingerprint Cards involverade i alla pilotprojekten och förser den första kommersiella lanseringen som sker genom BNP Paribas», skriver storbanken.

Givet Fingerprints starka position tror man att bolaget kommer vara ett av de bästa namnen för att spela på denna investeringscykel, varför rekommendationen höjs två snäpp till köp.

Den nya riktkursen som är baserad på en kassaflödesanalys lyder 33 kronor för aktien, från tidigare 9,80 kronor.

UBS räknar med intäkterna kommer öka drastiskt i åren framöver, drivet av icke-mobila produkter och betalkortsatsningen. Som en följd väntas rörelseresultatet stärkas betydligt, genom operationell hävstång ihop med en stärkt bruttomarginal.

Fingerprint Cards som föll rejält på börsen igår efter bokslutet rusar under onsdagsmorgonen med cirka 18 procent till 19,85 kronor. Under tisdagskvällen rapporterades det också in att vd Christian Fredrikson fyllt på sitt innehav med aktier för cirka 1,5 miljoner kronor.

Kilde: https://www.avanza.se/placera/telegram/2021/02/17/fingerprint-cards-ubs-ser-stor-smartkortmarknad-for-fingerprint-cards.html

Her en del nyheter rundt selskapet den seneste tiden, og som dere kan lese utdrag av nedenfor her:

Kilde: TDN Finans


Oslo (TDN Direkt): Idex Biometrics har hentet et bruttproveny på 229 millioner kroner gjennom utstedelse av 83.214.674 nye aksjer til kurs 2,75 kroner pr aksje, ifølge en melding fra selskapet tirsdag. Emisjonen ble flere ganger overtegnet, opplyses det. Idex Biometrics-aksjen sluttet på 2,88 kroner på Oslo Børs mandag.

15.2.2021, 16:29 Kilde: GlobeNewswire

IDEX Biometrics’ Sensors Featured in Digital RMB Hardware Wallet Trials by the Postal Savings Bank of China

Oslo, Norway – 15 February 2021 – IDEX Biometrics ASA, a leading provider of advanced fingerprint identification and authentication solutions, today announces that IDEX’s fingerprint sensors and biometric software have been included in digital RMB (digital Renminbi currency) trials launched by the Postal Savings Bank of China. This digital RMB initiative is the only legal digital currency in China.

IDEX technology is included as part of a so-called hardware wallet which is enabled for both online payments via payment network but can also support payments without a network. As part of the digital RMB initiative, these hardware wallets will be especially beneficial to certain parts of the population, such as the elderly, who can use digital RMB without the need for a smartphone, thereby helping to narrow the digital divide in financial services.

This trial features a dual-use card which serves as a digital healthcard card in addition to being used for digital RMB payments. This demonstrates the ability to deploy biometric cards that serve multiple applications for consumers and service providers.

“This Digital Currency Electronic Payment, DCEP, trial by Postal Savings Bank of China is exciting on many levels,” said Vince Graziani, CEO, IDEX Biometrics. “It not only demonstrates the value of biometric cards for digital currency initiatives globally, but also demonstrates our vision that a single biometric card will ultimately have multiple applications that require highly secure digital identity for individuals. These new applications have the potential to drive massive deployment of biometric cards world wide.”


12.2.2021, 07:57 Kilde: GlobeNewswire

China UnionPay Awards Second LOA to Biometric Payment Card Featuring IDEX Biometrics’ Fingerprint Sensor & Biometric Technology

Oslo, Norway – 12 February 2021 – IDEX Biometrics ASA, a leading provider of advanced fingerprint identification and authentication solutions, today announces that China UnionPay (CUP) has issued a second letter of approval (LOA) for a biometric payment card that contains IDEX’s fingerprint sensor and biometric solutions. The card is manufactured by Goldpac Group Ltd. (Goldpac).

The LOA is the formal acknowledgement by CUP that a product or service demonstrates compliance to all relevant requirements. This enables world-wide interoperability with ATMs and point of sale terminals as well as durability, reliability and security assurance. With this formal LOA, Goldpac and local banks can move forward with biometric card issuance.

This is the second biometric card certification, using IDEX’S fingerprint sensor and biometric solutions, issued by CUP, which will provide even more choice for card-based payment solutions.

“CUP is the largest payment network in the world, supporting more than half of all cards issued on the global brand networks. This second LOA is a yet another critical step to driving mass adoption,” said Vince Graziani, CEO, IDEX Biometrics.


8.2.2021, 07:54 Kilde: GlobeNewswire

IDEX Biometrics Expands Landmark Partnership with Global Payment Solutions Provider to Include Joint Marketing and Sales

Oslo, Norway – 8 February 2021 – IDEX Biometrics ASA, a leading provider of advanced fingerprint identification and authentication solutions, has expanded its technical partnership with a global provider of EMVCo© secure element solutions to include a commercial framework that will accelerate biometric smart card adoption.

Together, the companies will offer a fully integrated, system for biometric smart cards including market leading secure element devices and IDEX’s TrustedBio™ biometric sensor technologies together with algorithms and software. The commercial framework includes incentives for each company to sell the complete solution under mutually beneficial commercial terms.

“This partnership and the relationship between IDEX and our partner are very important to cement our leading position in the payment and biometric segments and will expand our global customer and issuer reach. We are bringing a complete solution to enable card manufacturers and integrators to easily design biometric smart cards with enhanced security and a superior user experience at a disruptive cost point. This solution will accelerate the adoption of biometric cards,” comments Vince Graziani, Chief Executive Officer, IDEX Biometrics ASA.

The first-generation platform based on this collaboration will be available for high volume production in the second half of 2021.


2.2.2021, 07:56 Kilde: GlobeNewswire

IDEX Biometrics & Tongxin Microelectronics Collaboration Achieves Second China UnionPay Certification

Oslo, Norway, February 2, 2021: IDEX Biometrics ASA, a leading provider of advanced fingerprint identification and authentication solutions, is pleased to announce that IDEX’s fingerprint sensor and Tongxin Microelectronics’ Co., Ltd (“TMC”) secure element (SE) have been included in a second biometric payment card certified by China UnionPay (CUP). The certified payment card, manufactured by Goldpac, is ready for volume production.

TMC is a leading SE supplier in China focused on the smart card industry and is partnering with IDEX to accelerate biometric smart card adoption. This successful certification leverages the ongoing collaboration between the two companies.

IDEX’s strategy is to partner with SE industry leaders, such as TMC, for providing solutions to all global card manufacturers. This ensures compatibility between the SE and IDEX’s biometric solutions and simplifies the card manufacturer’s development process.

“This second CUP certification continues the trend of increasing global adoption of biometric cards. Our collaboration with TMC will make this biometric payment card available to a broad range of card issuers which will increase the number of customers who have access to the technology,” said Vince Graziani, CEO of IDEX Biometrics.

John Zou, Vice President at TMC added: “TMC and IDEX continue their leadership in the biometric smart card market with the only solutions to be certified by CUP . We are looking forward to further innovation and extending our advantage with IDEX’s next generation TrustedBio™ solution and the TMC THD89.”


19.1.2021, 08:54 Kilde: GlobeNewswire

IDEX Biometrics Expands its Strategic Partnerships by Adding Another Global Payment Network

Oslo, Norway – 19 January 2021 – IDEX Biometrics ASA, a leading provider of advanced fingerprint identification and authentication solutions, has entered into a strategic engagement with an additional US-based global payment network scheme. IDEX is working with this partner to actively engage with card issuers. This is the third payment network to partner with IDEX to advance the adoption of biometric payment cards.

To deliver on its commitment to bring biometric payment cards to the mass market, IDEX continues to focus on strategic relationships with payment networks, card manufacturers and card issuers. Through co-development with various members of the payment card ecosystem, IDEX is able to offer leading-edge biometric solutions to all card manufacturers world-wide.

Vince Graziani, CEO at IDEX Biometrics, comments “We are very pleased that yet another key member of the payment card ecosystem, this time a global payment network and card issuer, has made a strong commitment to our vision and mission. This is another example of our fingerprint sensors and biometric solutions being the preferred option for companies that recognize biometric payment cards are the future.”


28.12.2020, 08:04 · GlobeNewswire

IDEX Biometrics and Partner Goldpac Achieve China Union Pay Certification for Dual Interface Biometric Payment Cards

Oslo, Norway, 28 December 2020: IDEX Biometrics ASA, a leading provider of advanced fingerprint identification and authentication solutions, is proud to announce that its dual interface technology is included in a biometric payment card certified by China Union Pay (CUP). The certification was achieved with Goldpac Group Ltd (Goldpac), a global leading Fintech technology and service provider.

Goldpac is a leading secure payment technology provider in the world and holds simultaneous certifications by CUP, Visa, Mastercard, American Express, JCB and Diners. This is the second CUP certified biometric payment card that uses IDEX’s fingerprint sensors and biometric solutions.

The certification was conducted by the Bank Card Testing Center (BCTC) in Beijing and is the preliminary step to obtaining a Letter of Approval (LOA) from CUP.

“This certification is another significant milestone for IDEX as our sensor, algorithm and software are now certified for biometric payment cards by an additional Tier One fintech products and services provider and is now available on multiple global payment schemes,” said Vince Graziani, CEO at IDEX. “IDEX is the only fingerprint company to have achieved this honor. The certifications continue the transition from the pilot phase, to commercialization and broad market adoption of biometric payment cards.”

“We are pleased that we have been able to complete certification with our partner IDEX, so that immediate mass deployment and customer engagement are ready to carry forward,” said HOU Ping, at the CEO of Goldpac.

About Goldpac Group

With 27 years of successful experience and a leading global technology portfolio, and committed to its core vision of Making Transactions More Secure and Convenient, Goldpac is specialized in delivering embedded software, secure payment products and Artificial Intelligence Financial Self-service Kiosks for global customers while leveraging innovative Fintech to provide data processing service, system platform and other total solutions for a wide business range of financial, government, healthcare, transportation, and retails.

For more information, visit http://www.goldpac.com

About IDEX Biometrics

IDEX Biometrics ASA (OSE: IDEX and OTCQB: IDXAF) is a leading provider of fingerprint identification technologies offering simple, secure and personal touch-free authentication for all. We help people make payments, prove their identity, gain access to information, unlock devices or gain admittance to buildings. We invent, engineer, and commercialize these secure and safe yet incredibly user-friendly solutions. Our total addressable market represents a fast growing multi-billion-unit opportunity.

For more information, visit http://www.idexbiometrics.com and follow @IDEXBiometrics

Det anbefales også å høre på denne nå firmapresentasjonen av Idex hos Nordnet sfra 27/11-2020 og som dere finner link til nedenfor her.

27.11.2020, 11:50 · GlobeNewswire
IDEX Biometrics Presentation at Nordnet November 2020
Oslo, Norway, 27 November 2020: IDEX Biometrics ASA is a leading provider of advanced fingerprint identification and authentication solutions. CEO Vince Graziani has given a presentation to Nordnet followed by a Q&A session. A recording of the presentation has been published by Nordnet on its blog.

The recording of the presentation is available at https://www.idexbiometrics.com/investors/events-presentations

Idex Biometrics ASA (ticker på Oslo Børs: IDEX)

IDEX Biometrics ASA er et teknisk selskap for fingeravtrykkavbildning, anerkjennelse og autentisering. Det er engasjert i å utvikle og kommersialisere fingeravtrykssensorprodukter målrettet mot mobil-, smart- og ID-kortet og Internet of Things-markedene. IDEX tilbyr fingeravtrykksløsninger for maskinvare og programvare som er egnet for innebygging i produkter for å styrke sikkerheten og forbedre brukervennlighetsproduktene. Produktporteføljen inkluderer Biometrics fingeravtrykssensorer, Biometrics fingeravtrykkmoduler, påmeldingsløsninger og andre. Selskapet opererer i Europa, Midt-Østen og Afrika, Amerika og Asia.

Her noen nyttige linker for mer informasjon rundt selskapet og slik som: aksjekurs, nyheter om selskapet, finansiell informasjon, Nøkkeltall, Regnskap, finanskalender, resultatrapporter mv.

Hjemmeside   Investor Relations   Oslo Børs   Nordnet   Morningstar

[Oppdatert analyse den, 18.02.2021]:

Teknisk Analyse av Idex Biometrics ASA (ticker på Oslo Børs: IDEX)

Idex Biometrics ASA (ticker på Oslo Børs: IDEX) viser en sterk utvikling innenfor en stigende trend (jf. dag og ukediagram).

Videre oppgang signaliseres nå for aksjen innenfor denne stigende trenden, og det både på kort og lang sikt.

Aksjen er nå nær ved å utløse et nytt kraftig teknisk kjøpssignal, og som vil utløses ved et etablert brudd over NOK 3.00 – 3.20 nivået (jf. dagdiagram).

Både RSI og MACD momentum-indikatorer signaliserer videre oppgang for aksjen på kort sikt, og dermed ligger det ann til å kunne kommet et slik etablert brudd over NOK 3.20-nivået i løpet av den aller nærmeste tiden.

Det ble utløst et svært kraftig teknisk kjøpssignal for aksjen da den for en tid tilbake brøt opp gjennom et viktig teknisk motstandsnivå rundt NOK 2.50.

Det ble da utløset et kraftig teknisk kjøpssignal fra en veldig stor omvendt hode-skulder formasjon (jf. ukediagram).

Denne omvendt hode-skulder formasjonen indikerer at aksjen har et potensiale helt opp mot NOK 8.00 og det gjerne i løpet av bare de neste 6-12 måneder.

Aksjen kan altså ha et potensiale på solide rundt 150 prosent i løpet av bare de neste 6-12 måneder.

Ved et etablert brudd over NOK 3.00-nivået så vil aksjen gjerne i løpet av veldig kort tid kunne stige opp mot NOK 4.00-nivået.

Et etablert brudd over NOK 4.00 vil igjen utløse et svært kraftig teknisk kjøpssignal for aksjen, og som da kan stige raskt videre og gjerne helt opp mot NOK 8.00-nivået.

Aksjen er over både 50-dagers og 200-dagers glidende gjennomsnitt, og 50-dagers glidende gjennosnitt er over 200-dagers glidende gjennomsnitt.

Dette er med og bekrefter at både den kortsiktige og langsiktige trenden for aksjen er positiv.

Aksjen er også i kjøpssignal iht Aksjeanalyser.com sin egen tekniske og kvantitative analysemodell, SignalListsen, jf. diagram ‘SignalListen’.

Basert på dette samlede svært positive tekniske bildet for Idex Biometrics ASA (IDEX) så gjentar Aksjeanalyser.com i dag sine tidligere positive analyser av aksjen.

Aksjeanalyser.com ser altså et potensiale for Idex-aksjen opp mot NOK 8.00 på 6-12 måneders sikt.

Aksjen har naturligvis da fått for en tid tilbake sin naturlige plass i Aksjeanalyser.com sin modellportefølje for Norge og med 20 prosent vekting der i denne aksjen.

Det skal til slutt nevnes at undertegnede, Bjørn Inge Pettersen, selv eier aksjer i Idex Biometrics ASA (IDEX).

Teknisk Analyse av Idex Biometrics ASA (ticker på Oslo Børs: IDEX):