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Profilerte Axess selskaper

Vi starter en ny tjeneste her fra Juni 2015 med «Månedens Oslo Axess selskap», og hvor vi hver måned vil ha analyse og omtale av et Oslo Axess selskap.

Disse «Månedens Oslo Axess selskap» vil være utvalgte selskaper vi finner spesielt interessante blant alle totalt i dag 32 Oslo Axess selskaper, og hvor vi ser en betydelig oppside for disse utvalgte aksjene på 6-12 måneders sikt.

Først ut i juni 2015 som «Månedens Oslo Axess selskap» er: Hofseth BioCare (ticker: HBC).


Hofseth BioCare (Ticker: HBC, Handelsplass: Oslo Axess)


Hofseth BioCare sitt mål er tilby marine ingredienser og produkter for humant konsum og med høy verdi. Gjennom innovativ produksjonsteknologi og logistikk, tar vi vare på kvaliteten i protein, kalsium og fersk lakseolje. Produktene er ferske og uten tilsetningsstoffer.

Produkter som tidligere bare kunne benyttes til dyrefôr, kan nå gjøres egnet til menneskelig konsum. HBC sitt mål er derfor å bidra til bærekraft ved effektiv utnyttelse av marine ressurser.Hofseth-Biocare-Fabrikk

Hofseth BioCare er et norsk biomarint selskap med hovedmål å tilby biomarine ingredienser til humant konsum og med høy verdi. Selskapet er grunnlagt på kjerneverdiene bærekraft og optimal utnyttelse av naturressurser.

Gjennom innovativ produksjonsteknologi og logistikk er Hofseth BioCare i stand til å bevare kvaliteten på protein, kalsium og olje, fremstilt av fiskeavskjær. Etter 12 år med forskning og utvikling er deres proprietære enzymatiske hydrolyseprosess i stand til å gjøre avskjær fra marine ressurser om til produkter innen kosthold og trening. Deres produkter er bærekraftige og sporbare.

Les mer om Hofseth BioCare og vår analyse av aksjen her…

Du kan følge aksjekursen til Hofseth BioCare hos Nordnet her…

For mer informasjon om Hofseth BioCare kan du besøke deres hjemmesider her: http://www.hofsethbiocare.no

Serendex Pharmaceuticals A/S (Ticker: SENDEX, Handelsplass: Oslo Axess)

Serendex_logoSerendex Pharmaceuticals A/S is listed at Oslo Axess and develops drugs to treat respiratory conditions by inhalation. The development strategy is a reposition strategy e.g. finding new indications and administration routes for existing drugs. Repositioning reduces the risk and the cost of the development process thus reducing the time to market.

We pursue an aggressive IP strategy and have filed for a number of patents. Currently several have been granted all over the world including Europe and United States.

Common for all our drugs is that they are inhaled or induced to the lungs of the patient. This improves the risk/efficacy ratio of the drug and treatment.

SerendexWe focus on therapeutic areas where the conditions are acute or chronic and where there are a high medical need and we have obtained Orphan Drug Designation (ODD) for many of our indications in both Europe and USA. By having an ODD the company obtains 10 years of marketing and sales exclusivity.

Serendex Pharmaceuticals A/S currently focuses on therapeutic areas with four different active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs):

2. FVIIa
3. Fosfomycin
4. Activated Protein C

Les mer om Serendex Pharmaceuticals, og vår analyse av aksjen her…

Du kan følge aksjekursen til Serendex Pharmaceuticals hos Nordnet her…

For mer informasjon om selskapet besøk gjerne deres hjemmesider her: www.serendex.com

Awilco Drilling (Ticker: AWDR, Handelsplass: Oslo Axess)

AwilcoDrilling-logoAwilco Drilling Limited was incorporated in December 2009 in connection with the acquisition of the two semi submersible drilling rigs, WilPhoenix (previously Arctic II) and WilHunter (previously Arctic IV). The company is registered in England & Wales with its operation based in Aberdeen, Scotland. The Company re-registered to a public company on 14 April 2011, under the name Awilco Drilling PLC.

AwilcoDrillingAwilco Drilling PLC is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange (Oslo Axess) under ticker code AWDR. The Awilhelmsen Group is the largest shareholder controlling 43.3% of the shares. Awilco Drilling PLC has management agreements in place with Awilco AS (and related companies) for ad-hoc support services.

Du kan følge aksjekursen til Awilco Drilling (AWDR) hos Nordnet her…

For mer informasjon om Awilco Drilling kan du besøke deres hjemmesider her: http://www.awilcodrilling.com

NattoPharma (Ticker: NATTO, Handelsplass: Oslo Axess)

NattoPharma-logoNattoPharma® is a worldwide innovator and pioneer of Vitamin K2, Menaquinone-7(MK-7). Our brand MenaQ7® is supported by a global IPR portfolio and revolutionary research substantiating clear efficacy for bone and cardiovascular health. MenaQ7Crystals represents the most significant technological breakthrough in the new generation of Vitamin K2, producing the purest MK-7 available.

NattoPharmaWe are investing in clinical science to always be at the cutting edge on vitamin K2 research and hold an exclusive R&D alliance with VitaK BV, the world’s leading experts in research and scientific documentation of K vitamins.

NattoPharma is building competitive advantage through focus on IPR. We have granted patents and pending related to relevant indications and market segments, and will continue to develop our IPR portfolio to offer value for our customers in the health care, supplement and functional food markets.

Vitamin K2 is important for the body to utilize calcium to build healthy, strong bones and to inhibit calcium deposits in the arteries. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) cardiovascular diseases and osteoporosis are the two biggest global health care problems. Osteoporosis is currently affecting some 200 million people globally, and 17 million people die of CVDs each year all over the world.

NattoPharma ASA was admitted to the Oslo Stock Exchange list «Oslo Axess» as per January 30th 2008.

Du kan følge aksjekursen til NattoPharma (NATTO) hos Nordnet her…

For mer informasjon om NattoPharma kan du besøke deres hjemmesider her: http://www.nattopharma.com

Nordic Mining (Ticker: NOM, Handelsplass: Oslo Axess)

NordicMining-logoNordic Mining was incorporated 8 may 2006 through the de-merger of Rocksource’s business within exploration of metals and minerals.

Rocksource transferred all its assets and liabilities related to mining and minerals to Nordic Mining. This include perpetual, global rights to utilize Rocksource’s advanced electromagnetic technology(EM-technology) within the mining industry and ownership interests in 4 gold mining licenses in Ecuador.

NordicMiningIn September 2006, Nordic Mining acquired 9 mineral claims to the Engebøfjellet rutile deposit from Conoco Phillips Investment Norway AS. Final concession for the acquisition were given by Norwegian authorities in January 2007.

Nordic Mining acquired a majority shareholding (85%) in Gudvangen Stein AS in 2007 and the remaining 15% of the shares in 2009. Gudvangen Stein has operational mining activity producing industrial and aggregate products from an underground mine. In June 2008, Nordic Mining acquired 68% of the shares in Keliber Oy, a Finnish company having the rights and plans for extraction and production of Lithium carbonate in Finland. From 2012 Nordic Mining’s share of Keliber has been 38%.

We will position ourselves as a long term industrial player, and develop the geological potential of the Nordic region into a sustainable business. Departing from minerals and ore, we will focus on how we may increase value and business by challenging the traditional value chains.

Being opportunistic by nature, and true believers of progress we want to challenge current technologies, working patterns and barriers. With our origin and network from oil and gas exploration, we want to leverage the potential in advanced exploration technology.

Our strategy is to develop and realize our mineral projects through cooperation with international partners. Commissioning of operations will be subject to appropriate industrial and financial joint ventures and relevant governmental approvals. Further, we will develop and introduce new technology in mineral exploration and production through development of EM-technology for identification of coal deposits and other reservoir based minerals and metals.

Du kan følge aksjekursen til Nordic Mining (NOM) hos Nordnet her…

For mer informasjon om Nordic Mining kan du besøke deres hjemmesider her: http://www.nordicmining.com

FLEX LNG (Ticker: FLNG, Handelsplass: Oslo Axess)

FLEX-LNG-logoFLEX LNG was incorporated in 2006 and is listed in Norway under the ticker code FLNG. The Company is constructing two Panamax LNG carriers with a capacity of 174,000m3 with Samsung Heavy Industries, for delivery in H1 2018.

2nd Generation MEGI LNGC Design – Vessel Specification FLEX-LNG
•      Panamax size: L / B / D = 293 / 45.8 / 26.2 m
•      Cargo capacity:174,000 m3
•      Low boil-off rate: 0.09% per day guaranteed
•      Designed to the New IGC code
•      Selective Catalytic Reduction for IMO Tier III compliance (NOx)
•      USCG compliant Ballast Water Treatment system
•      Twin screw slow speed dual fuel engine driven
•      Main Engines: 2 x MAN B&W 5G70ME-GI-C9.5
•      Service speed = 19.5 kn @ NCR (20% sea margin)
•      Bow thruster for enhanced manoeuvring

Du kan følge aksjekursen til FLEX LNG (FLNG) hos Nordnet her…

For mer informasjon om FLEX LNG kan du besøke deres hjemmesider her: http://www.flexlng.com

LINK Mobility Group (Ticker: LINK, Handelsplass: Oslo Axess)

LinkMobilityGroup-logoLINK Mobility Group er ledende leverandør av mobile tjenester i Norden og Baltikum, selskapet har 19 års erfaring. Link hjelper bedrifter å kommunisere via mobil med sine kunder og leverer tjenester for mobil dialog, markedsføring, applikasjoner og mobile betalingsløsninger.

LinkMobilityLINK Mobility hjelper bedrifter å kommunisere via mobil med sine kunder. Med våre tjenester for mobil dialog, kommunikasjon, markedsføring og mobile betalingsløsninger, vil våre kunder forsterke sine kunderelasjoner – bedre resultat, raskere kontakt og sterkere lojalitet. Våre kunders suksess er vår drivkraft og misjon.

Mobiltelefonen er den raskest voksende kommunikasjonskanalen, og bruken øker stadig, både privat og i arbeidslivet. Derfor bør alle bedrifter og organisasjoner vurdere å benytte seg av mobil kommunikasjon. LINK Mobility er Nordens ledende aktør på området. Med 15 års erfaring vet vi hva som fungerer og hva du bør unngå. Det har gitt oss 400 lojale kunder.

LINK Mobility er:

Innovative – vi skaper og utvikler mobile løsninger tilpasset hver kundes behov – enten målgruppen er 50 personer eller 1 million. Vår ingeniører og utviklere er bransjens mest  dyktige og erfarne.

Pålitelige – våre tjenester er til å stole på. Til tross for hard konkurranse ser vi at våre kunder velger oss som hovedleverandør av mobile tjenester år etter år.

Engasjerte – våre medarbeidere setter kunden først – uavhengige om de er ingeniører, utviklere, jobber med support, salg eller ledelse. Derfor fortrekker vi å kalle kundene våre for samarbeidspartnere. Engasjement og respons til kunden er vårt viktigste styringsprinsipp.

Du kan følge aksjekursen til LINK Mobility (LINK) hos Nordnet her…

For mer informasjon om LINK Mobility kan du besøke deres hjemmesider her: http://www.linkmobility.no

PCI Biotec Holding (Ticker: PCIB, Handelsplass: Oslo Axess)

PCI-Biotech-logoPCI Biotech is a cancer focused biopharmaceutical company developing therapeutic products based on its proprietary photochemical internalization (PCI) technology. The PCI technology works by inducing triggered endosomal release and may be used to unlock the true therapeutic potential of a wide array of modalities. Two programs are currently in clinical development. The company is also developing PCI as a CTL induction technology for therapeutic and prophylactic vaccination.

PCI-BiotechPCI Biotech is a cancer focused biopharmaceutical company headquartered in Norway and listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange. The company is developing therapeutic products based on its proprietary photochemical internalisation (PCI) technology.   The PCI technology induces triggered endosomal release and may be used to unlock the true therapeutic potential of a wide array of modalities, such as small molecules, ADCs and siRNA.  The company currently has a bile duct cancer program in phase I/II clinical Development.

The company is also developing PCI as a CTL induction technology for therapeutic and prophylactic vaccination.  It has been demonstrated both in vivo and ex vivo that PCI significantly increases the number of activated antigen-specific CTLs (Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes) by enhancing the MHC I antigen presentation of antigen presenting cells. When applied more specifically to the emerging field of cancer immunotherapy, PCI can be used to enhance the important cytotoxic effect of therapeutic cancer vaccines.

Du kan følge aksjekursen til PCI Biotech (PCIB) hos Nordnet her…

For mer informasjon om PCI Biotech kan du besøke deres hjemmesider her: http://pcibiotech.no

Aqua Bio Technology (Ticker: ABT, Handelsplass: Oslo Axess)

AquaBioTechnology-logoAqua Bio Technology (ABT) har lansert flere kosmetiske ingredienser som benyttes i hudpleieprodukter globalt. Ingrediensene er basert på selskapets unike, marine teknologi med dokumentert svært gunstig effekt på huden. Hudpleie er det raskest voksende segmentet innen kosmetikkindustrien, og hvor ABTs ingredienser har fått fotfeste. Utover ingredienser fra egen teknologi kommersialiserer ABT også teknologier/ingredienser for samarbeidspartnere til bruk i nye og innovative hudpleieprodukter.

AquaBioTechnologyABT is developing, producing and marketing new active ingredients to the global personal care industry.

Our products are based on extensive research and development in cooperation with Norwegian Universities. The novel marine active ingredients are derived from the pure and protected environment of Northern waters. All products are patented.

Du kan følge aksjekursen til Aqua Bio Technology (ABT) hos Nordnet her…

For mer informasjon om Aqua Bio Technology kan du besøke deres hjemmesider her: http://www.aquabiotechnology.com

Aurora LPG Holding (Ticker: AURLPG, Handelsplass: Oslo Axess)

AuroraLPG-logoAurora LPG Holding ASA (“Aurora LPG”) seeks to become a market leader in liquid petroleum gas transportation. The company owns and operates a fleet of modern VLGC vessels and has a VLGC new-building program at Hyundai Heavy Industries.

Aurora LPG is a unique partnership between reputable industrial and financial investors with in-depth knowledge and proven track record from the shipping industry.

Aurora-LPGThe company has outsourced its technical and commercial operations to third party partners at competitive market terms, which in turn gives the company a low and flexible cost structure.

Aurora LPG is domiciled in Norway and operates under the Norwegian Tonnage Tax system. Our vessels are flagged in the Marshall Islands.

The company’s common stock trades under ticker code AURLPG on the Oslo market.

Aurora LPG seeks to capture a meaningful upside potential in day-rates through a sensible financial structure and the company’s spot chartering strategy.

Du kan følge aksjekursen til Aurora LPG (AURLPG) hos Nordnet her…

For mer informasjon om Aurora LPG kan du besøke deres hjemmesider her: http://www.auroralpg.com

Aker Philadelphia Shipyard (Ticker: AKPS, Handelsplass: Oslo Axess)

AkerPhiladelphiaShipyard-logoAker Philadelphia Shipyard is a leading U.S. commercial shipyard constructing vessels for operation in the Jones Act market. It possesses a state-of-the-art shipbuilding facility and has earned a reputation as a preferred provider of ocean-going merchant vessels with a track record of delivering quality ships, having delivered over 50% of all large ocean-going Jones Act commercial ships since 2000.

AkerPhiladelphiaShipyardAker Philadelphia Shipyard’s facilities and equipment was installed new in 1998-2000. The shipyard was designed with the specific intent of reducing materials handling operations and is based on experience from state-of-the-art Aker Yards shipyards in Europe.

APSI enjoys a significant advantage in its materials handling capabilities, which include a Goliath Crane with a maximum lift capability of 660 tons; specialized vehicles to transport grand blocks weighing more than 600 tons; and numerous other high-capacity and automated cranes.

APSI has a steel through-put capacity of about 25,000 tons per year. A continuous improvement program utilizing global resources and knowledge from similar types of yards in Germany together with the well proven HMD design has been implemented to ensure progress and through-put as the German yard has already proven possible.

APSI employs highly automated processes with a specific focus on steel production. APSI has developed an effective “just in time” delivery system for its steel plate, eliminating the need to maintain large inventories of steel at APSI. Another unique feature of APSI’s building philosophy is the maximization of subcontracted “turnkey” packages for many outfitting activities, which enables the yard to maintain the focus on steel fabrication and the ability to utilize the worldwide procurement system of Hyundai Mipo Dockyard.

Since 2006, APSI also operates a plate priming facility located outside of the shipyard that receives plates from the steel mill and blasts and primes them with a pre-construction primer.

Du kan følge aksjekursen til Aker Philadelphia Shipyard (AKPS) hos Nordnet her…

For mer informasjon om Aker Philadelphia Shipyard kan du besøke deres hjemmesider her: http://www.akerphiladelphia.com

Awilco LNG (Ticker: ALNG, Handelsplass: Oslo Axess)

Awilco-LNG-logoAwilco LNG is a Norwegian based pure play LNG transportation provider, owning and operating LNG vessels intended for international trade. The Company currently owns two 156,000 cbm TFDE membrane LNG vessels; WilForce and WilPride, and three 125,000 cbm steam Moss type LNG vessels; WilGas, WilPower and WilEnergy.We have an industrial approach and a long-term commitment to the sector. The Company is listed on Oslo Axess with the ticker code ALNG. AwilcoLNG

Du kan følge aksjekursen til Awilco LNG (ALNG) hos Nordnet her…

For mer informasjon om Awilco LNG kan du besøke deres hjemmesider her: http://www.awilcolng.no

Scanship Holding (Ticker: SSHIP, Handelsplass: Oslo Axess)

Scanship-Holding-logoScanship is a maritime industry leader in advanced technologies for processing waste and purifying water. Owners operating our systems have the solutions to convert all waste and wastewater to inert materials, recyclables, clean flue gas and effluent which meets the highest international discharge standards. Our new technologies will recover energy and water, providing tangible payback from the operations. We strive for the highest quality, best innovation and sustainable solutions.

ScanshipThe company is headquartered in Norway with subsidiary offices in USA and Canada. The company recently opened offices in Poland and Italy for engineering, production and service support.

We design, engineer and produce our systems to meet your specifications. We deliver modules for ship newbuilds, provide complete system for our customers, or supply partial and tailor made solutions as retrofits.


Scanship shall be the preferred supplier for solutions and services preserving and protecting water and air resources.


We offer our systems for Advanced Wastewater Purification and Waste Management to the following markets:

• Ferry
• Cruise
• Superyacht
• Disaster relief
• Offshore Oil & Gas
• Navy & Coastguard
• Merchant Shipping
• Port Reception Facilities
• Resorts & Cruise Islands
• Mobile Camps – Military & Humanitarian

The depth and breadth of Scanship’s worldwide experience, expertise, innovation, and reliable support as the premier environmental solutions provider for the small floating cities of the cruise industry make it a clear and obvious choice for other segments of the challenging marine industry, as well as other demanding autonomous sites. Contact us to find out what innovative and cost effective solutions we can bring to your environmental challenges.

Du kan følge aksjekursen til Scanship Holding (SSHIP) hos Nordnet her…

For mer informasjon om Scanship Holding kan du besøke deres hjemmesider her: http://www.scanship.no

Serodus (Ticker: SER, Handelsplass: Oslo Axess)

PrintSerodus is focused on development of drugs for treatment of diseases in the heart and blood vessels. Drug candidates from Serodus will benefit the patients by improved clinical therapeutic outcome and thereby enhance quality of life and improve prognosis for patients with cardio-vascular diseases.

Serodus is a Norwegian research and development company dedicated to the development of products for the treatment of patients with cardiovascular and metabolic diseases.

SerodusThe Company was founded based on the discovery of a new disease target in heart failure from the University of Oslo. Today, the product pipeline focuses on isolated systolic hypertension (ISH), acute myocardial infarction (AMI), diabetic nephropathy (DN) and type 2 diabetes (T2D).

All drug candidates are covered by extensive intellectual property (patents and patent applications) held by or licensed to Serodus.

Value proposition of Serodus’ business model is to:
• utilize its expertise and proprietary know-how to develop drug candidates through clinical phase II,
• pursue partnering agreements with pharmaceutical or biotech companies upon having established positive clinical outcomes for its products.  Alternatively Serodus will partner at an earlier stage if such collaborations would advance the development of the drug candidates.
• continue to use its experiences to identify drug candidates covering significant unmet clinical needs and commercial potential within the cardiovascular and metabolic area,
• continue to extend its product portfolio when found opportune by in-licensing selected drug candidates meeting the above criteria,

The product pipeline addresses significant markets with substantial unmet clinical needs, and potential revenue from partnering agreements is estimated to be significant.

Du kan følge aksjekursen til Serodus (SER) hos Nordnet her…

For mer informasjon om Serodus kan du besøke deres hjemmesider her: http://www.serodus.com

Badger Explorer (Ticker: BXPL, Handelsplass: Oslo Axess)

BadgerExplorer-logoThe Badger Explorer technology is based on an idea by Research Director Sigmund Stokka and his team at Rogaland Research (now IRIS – International Research Institute of Stavanger). IRIS has more than 20 years of R&D experience within drilling and well technology. To protect the idea patent applications were filed in Norway as well as in the USA. The patent was awarded in Norway in 2000 and the United States Patent and Trademark Office granted the US patent in May 2006. 

BadgerExplorerThe Company was incorporated in 2003 and the Badger Explorer technology patent was transferred to the Company. In April 2005 BXPL entered into Prototype Development Agreements with the major oil companies ExxonMobil and Shell and the Norwegian oil company Statoil. These contracts allowed for funding and co-operation throughout the Companys prototype development phase. The joint partner agreements were extended in 2008, committing additional and extensive support from the client-partners.

12 June 2007 marks an important date within the Companys history – Badger Explorer ASA was listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange -Oslo Axess list – with the ticker BXPL.

Badger Explorer ASA expanded through the gradual acquisition of Calidus Engineering Ltd. since November 2007. In June 2013, BXPL sold 70% of its holding in Calidus Engineering Ltd. to Severn Glocon PLC. In December 2014, BXPL sold 15% of its holding in Calidus Engineering Ltd. to Severn Glocon PLC.

Du kan følge aksjekursen til Badger Explorer (BXPL) hos Nordnet her…

For mer informasjon om Badger Explorer kan du besøke deres hjemmesider her: http://www.bxpl.com

African Petroleum Corporation (Ticker: APCL, Handelsplass: Oslo Axess)

AfricanPetroleum-logoAfrican Petroleum Corporation Limited er et uavhengig olje- og gasselskap med letevirksomhet i Vest Afrika. Selskapets portefølje har et betydelig verdipotensial, og består av ti letelisenser i fem land i Vest Afrika; Elfenbenskysten, Liberia, Senegal, Gambia og Sierra Leone. African Petroleum har hovedkontor i London, UK og selskapet er notert på Oslo Axess og NSX i Australia.

African_PetroleumAfrican Petroleum listed on the Oslo Axess (APCL) and the National Stock Exchange of Australia (AOQ), is an independent oil and gas exploration company led by an experienced Board and management team, with substantial experience in oil and gas exploration, appraisal, development and production.  The Company is a significant net acreage holder in West Africa with estimated net unrisked mean prospective oil resources in excess of 12.5 billion barrels.

African Petroleum is an independent oil and gas exploration company with 10 licences in five countries offshore West Africa (Côte d’Ivoire, Liberia, Senegal, The Gambia and Sierra Leone). The Company’s assets are located in proven hydrocarbon basins, where several discoveries have been made in recent years, including significant discoveries during 2014 by Total in Côte d’Ivoire and Cairn Energy in Senegal.

The Company continues to achieve key operational milestones across its 10 licences, having rapidly matured its exploration portfolio by acquiring more than 18,500km2 of 3D seismic data and drilling three exploration wells, one of which was an oil discovery at Narina-1 in Liberia. African Petroleum is the largest net acreage holder in the West African Transform Margin, alongside industry majors such as: Anadarko Petroleum, Chevron Corporation, ExxonMobil, Total, and Lukoil. The Company has mean prospective oil resources in excess of 12.5 billion barrels (ERC Equipoise Competent Persons Report April 2014 in conjunction with ERCE Audit January 2015 and ERCE Letters March 2015).

Du kan følge aksjekursen til African Petroleum (APCL) hos Nordnet her…

For mer informasjon om African Petroleum kan du besøke deres hjemmesider her: http://www.africanpetroleum.com.au

RomReal (Ticker: ROM, Handelsplass: Oslo Axess)

RomReal-logoRomReal is a Bermuda company established for the purpose of investing in real estate in Romania and the development of residencies targeted at the Romanian middle-class buyers.


RomRealIntegrated Real Estate Developer 2005 – 2008
• Established by 4 founders including CEO & CoB
• Purchased land in Bucharest & Constanta
• Developed residential projects and started building three projects
• Raised in total EUR 80 million. Listed on OSE – Axess
• Market cap. NOK 1.2 billion at peak

Scale down and preserve cash 2008 – 2011
• Two development projects aborted. Finalized and sold one apartment building
• Cut operating costs and scaled down organization
• New strategy: Back to land banking
• Founder Thorkildsen became CEO
• Extension of Alpha Bank mortgage loan
• Market cap. of NOK 80 million YE 2011

Realize values 2011 – today
• Cost focus
• Focus on developing max. salability of each plot
• Sale of land plots
• Refinanced Alpha Bank loan
•Reverse share split
• Rights issue of EUR 1.5 million (2013)
• Two new, independent Board members

Du kan følge aksjekursen til RomReal (ROM) hos Nordnet her…

For mer informasjon om RomReal kan du besøke deres hjemmesider her: http://www.romreal.com